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Material Safety Sheets GE Healthcare
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GE Healthcare
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0.1 M 2-4(-Morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid, pH 5.0 (MES); part of 'Thiol Coupling Kit'
0.1 M Sodium acetate, 1.0 M Sodium chloride, pH 4.0; part of 'Thiol Coupling Kit'
0.15 M Sodium borate, pH 8.5; part of 'Thiol Coupling Kit'
0.5 M EDTA solution; part of 'Custom CyScribe Array CGH Genomic DNA Labeling Kit, 32 reactions'
0.5 M EDTA solution; part of 'Custom CyScribe Array CGH Kit, 16 reactions'
0.5% Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS); part of 'Regeneration Scouting Kit'
1,4-Dithioerythritol (DTE); part of 'Thiol Coupling Kit'
10 mM Glycine-HCl, pH 2.5; part of 'Regeneration Scouting Kit'
10 mM Glycine-HCl, pH 3.0; part of 'Regeneration Scouting Kit'
10x PBS ; part of 'Bulk GST Kit, (5 purifications)'
1mM Cy3 dCTP; part of 'CytoSure HT Genomic DNA Labelling Kit'
1mM Cy5 dCTP; part of 'CytoSure HT Genomic DNA Labelling Kit'
2799 Lead acetate, 20 mm x 25 m, 1 pack
2799 Lead acetate, 20 mm x 25 m, 20 pack
AE98 Membrane, Cellulose nitrate, 20 mm x 50 m Brahms
AE99 Membrane, Cellulose nitrate, 25 mm x 100 m BD
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Select, 1 L
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Select, 200 ml
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Select, 25 ml
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Select, 25 ml (sample)
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Select, 5 L
Ammonium Persulphate, 100 g
Ammonium Persulphate, 25 g
AVB Sepharose HP, XK 26/20, 11.5-12.5 cm
BA-S85 Membrane, Cellulose nitrate, 150 x 150 mm, 10 pack
BA-S85/20 Membrane, Cellulose nitrate, 200 x 200 mm, 25 pack
BA83 Membrane, Cellulose nitrate, 15 x 15 cm, SMP134746
Bayer MVLN Cells
Benzamidine Sepharose 6B, 25 ml
Blue Sepharose 6 Fast Flow, XK 50/30, 25-27 cm
Buffer 6; part of '2-D Protein Extraction Buffer VI'
Capto Q XP, 1 L
Cardiomyocytes 1E5
Cardiomyocytes 1E6
Cardiomyocytes 1E7
Cardiomyocytes 5E6
Cellulose nitrate circles, plain, 0.2 um 47 mm, 100 pack
Cellulose nitrate circles, plain, 0.45 um 25 mm, 100 pack
Cellulose nitrate circles, plain, 0.45 um 47 mm, 100 pack
Cellulose nitrate circles, plain, 0.8 um 47 mm, 100 pack
Cellulose nitrate circles, plain, 3 um 25 mm, 100 pack
Cellulose nitrate circles, plain, 5 um 47 mm, 100 pack
Co-precipitant ; part of '2-D Clean-Up Kit, Extra Buffer'
Con A Sepharose 4B, 100 ml
Con A Sepharose 4B, 5 ml
Concanavalin A (Lyophilized), 500 mg
Control DNA; part of 'CytoSure HT Genomic DNA Labelling Kit'
Cy3-dCTP; part of 'Custom CyScribe Array CGH Genomic DNA Labeling Kit, 32 reactions'
Cy3-dCTP; part of 'Custom CyScribe Array CGH Kit, 16 reactions'
Cy5-dCTP; part of 'Custom CyScribe Array CGH Genomic DNA Labeling Kit, 32 reactions'
CytoSure DNA 96-well purification plate
dCTP labeling mix; part of 'Custom CyScribe Array CGH Genomic DNA Labeling Kit, 32 reactions'
dCTP Labelling Mix; part of 'CytoSure HT Genomic DNA Labelling Kit'
DEAE Sepharose CL-6B XK 26/20
DEAE Sepharose CL-6B XK 26/40
Desiccant Packets, 1 g, 1000 pack
Dessicant Packet, 1000 pack
Diluent 1; part of '2-D Protein Extraction Buffer I'
DS hybridization buffer; part of 'Custom CyScribe Array CGH Genomic DNA Labeling Kit, 32 reactions'
ECL gold hybridization buffer, 500 ml; part of 'ECL Direct Nucleic Acid Labelling and Detection System, To label 5 ug'
ECL Plex Fluorescent Rainbow Markers, 125 ul
EDC; part of 'Amine Coupling Kit'
EDC; part of 'Amine Coupling Kit, type 2'
EDC; part of 'Thiol Coupling Kit'
EDTA-Na2; part of 'Silver Staining Kit, Protein'
Ethanolamine-HCl pH 8.5; part of 'Amine Coupling Kit'
Ethanolamine-HCl pH 8.5; part of 'Amine Coupling Kit, type 2'
Ethanolamine-HCl pH 8.5; part of 'Thiol Coupling Kit'
Ethylene glycol; part of 'Regeneration Scouting Kit'
FFLU Sheets, 262 x 350 mm, ABON, 100 pack
Formaldehyde 37%; part of 'Silver Staining Kit, Protein'
FTA DMPK-B Card; 15/Pack; part of 'DMPK Starter Pack'
FTA DMPK-B; 100/Pack
FTA Elute Micro Card, 100 pack
FTA Elute Micro Card, 25 pack
FTA Elute Stix, 100 pack
FTA Purification Reagent, 25 ml
FTA Purification Reagent, 500 ml
FTA Purification Reagent; part of 'FTA Concentrator Sample Kit'
FTA Purification Reagent; part of 'FTA Kit'
FTA Purification Reagent; part of 'FTA Plant Kit'
FTA Purification Reagent; part of 'FTA Starter Pack'
Full-Range Rainbow Molecular Weight Markers, 250 ul
Full-Range Rainbow Molecular Weight Markers, 500 ul
Glutaraldehyde, 25%; part of 'Silver Staining Kit, Protein'
Glutathione Sepharose 4B, 10 ml; part of 'Bulk GST Kit, (5 purifications)'
HEK ER alpha UAS bla Griptite
Hek H3 GLOsensor cAMP v2.2 clone 1
High-Range Rainbow Molecular Weight Markers, 250 ul
HiPrep 26/5.5 MabSelect (30 ml resin)
HiPrep 26/5.5 MabSelect SuRe (30 ml resin)
His Mag Sepharose Ni, 10 x 1 ml
His Mag Sepharose Ni, 2 x 1 ml
His Mag Sepharose Ni, 5 x 1 ml
HiTrap 5x5 ml, NHS-activated Sepharose FF
HiTrap DEAE Sephacel 1 ml, 5 x 1 ml
HiTrap DEAE Sephacel 5 ml, 5 x 5 ml
Cy5.5 Bis NHS ester, 50 mg
Cy7 Bis NHS ester, high purity
ExcelGel SDS Buffer Strips
HiTrap Sepharose CL-2B, 10 x 1 ml
HiTrap Sepharose CL-4B, 10 x 1 ml
Hybond-ECL (30 cm x 3 m)
Immunopore SP, 25 mm x 50 m, BA
JC53BL, 1 ml
Klenow enzyme; part of 'Custom CyScribe Array CGH Genomic DNA Labeling Kit, 32 reactions'
Klenow; part of 'CytoSure HT Genomic DNA Labelling Kit'
Labogena FTA Cassette, 100 pack
Low-Range Rainbow Molecular Weight Markers, 250 ul
MP45/21 STL Membrane, Cellulose nitrate, 47 mm, 4 x 100 pack
NC45 Membrane, Cellulose nitrate, 0.45 um 47 mm, 100 pack
Nuclease free water; part of 'Custom CyScribe Array CGH Genomic DNA Labeling Kit, 32 reactions'
Nucleon Resin; part of 'illustra DNA Extraction Kit BACC1'
Nucleon Resin; part of 'illustra DNA Extraction Kit BACC2'
Nucleon Resin; part of 'illustra DNA Extraction Kit BACC3'
OFFGEL Buffer pH 3-10, 1 ml, Agilent
OFFGEL Buffer pH 4-7, 1 ml, Agilent
Oligosynt Dabsyl 15
Optitran BA-S 83, 300 mm x 3 m
Optitran BA-S 83, 300 x 600 mm, 5 pack
Optitran BA-S 83, 50.5 mm x 50 m
Precipitant ; part of '2-D Clean-Up Kit, Extra Buffer'
PreDictor Benzamidine Sepharose 4FF (HS) 50 ul, 4 x 96 well
PreDictor MabSelect, 150 ul (4 x 96)
Protran BA 83, 300 mm x 3 m
Protran BA 83, 300 mm x 50 m
Protran BA 83, 80 x 300 mm, 25 pack
Protran BA 85, 13.4 x 8.1 cm, 20 pack
Protran BA 85, 200 mm x 3 m
Protran BA 85, 250 x 250 mm, 5 pack
Protran BA 85, 300 mm x 3 m
Protran BA 85, 300 mm x 3 m, UB
Protran BA 85, 63 x 288 mm, 10 pack
PVT PEI-treated wheatgerm agglutinin coupled SPA beads, Type A, 500mg
RA1 Buffer, RNAspin Mini 6 x 125 ml
Random nonamer; part of 'Custom CyScribe Array CGH Genomic DNA Labeling Kit, 32 reactions'
Reaction buffer; part of 'Custom CyScribe Array CGH Genomic DNA Labeling Kit, 32 reactions'
Reaction Buffer; part of 'CytoSure HT Genomic DNA Labelling Kit'
Ready-To-Go RT-PCR Beads
Reduced Glutathione; part of 'Bulk GST Kit, (5 purifications)'
Sodium Carbonate; part of 'Silver Staining Kit, Protein'
Stop Solution; part of 'IFNg, Human, Biotrak Assay'
CHO PD-1 clone 8
HEK-MR-Luc clone 5
HiPrep 26/5.5 IgSelect (30 ml resin)
HiTrap NHS-activated 1ml, 180 x 1 ml
HiTrap NHS-activated 1ml, 5 x 1 ml
HiTrap NHS-activated 5 ml, 1 x 5 ml
Indicating FTA Elute Micro Card, 100 pack
Indicating FTA Elute Micro Card, 25 pack
Magnesium chloride; part of 'Regeneration Scouting Kit'
Maryland Elute FTA Kit
NHS-activated Sepharose 4 Fast Flow, 25 ml
NHS-activated Sepharose 4 Fast Flow, 25 ml (Sample)
NHS-activated Sepharose 4 Fast Flow, 5 L
NHS-activated Sepharose 4 Fast Flow, 5 L (in 15 L container)
NHS-activated Sepharose 4 Fast Flow, 500 ml
NHS-activated Sepharose High Performance, Special Grade, 100 ml
NHS-activated Sepharose HP, 100 ml (CDP)
NHS-activated Sepharose HP, XK 50/20, 7.5 - 8.5 cm
Nucleon Resin; part of 'illustra DNA Extraction Kit HT'
Oil PetroCanada Purity FG EP220, 1 L
Oligosynt dA 40s 120, 2 x 120 umole
Oligosynt dA 40s 15, 10 x 15 umole
Oligosynt dA 40s 30, 5 x 30 umole
Oligosynt dC 40s 120, 2 x 120 umole
Oligosynt dC 40s 15, 10 x 15 umole
Oligosynt dC 40s 30, 5 x 30 umole
Oligosynt dG 40s 120, 2 x 120 umole
Oligosynt dG 40s 15, 10 x 15 umole
Oligosynt dG 40s 30, 5 x 30 umole
PDEA, Thiol Coupling Reagent
PDEA; part of 'Thiol Coupling Kit'
Peroxide Solution; part of 'ECL Prime'
PhastGel Gradient - 10-15
PhastGel Gradient - 4-15
PhastGel Gradient - 8-25
PhytoPure Resin; part of 'illustra DNA Extraction Kit PHYTOPURE, 50 x 0.1 g'
PhytoPure Resin; part of 'illustra DNA Extraction Kit PHYTOPURE, 50 x 1.0 g'
PreDictor Chelating Sepharose 6FF, 4 x 96, 50 ul
PreDictor DEAE FF, 50 ul (4 x 96)
PreDictor Protein G Sepharose 4FF, 12 x 96, 20 ul
PVDF IM, Cellulose nitrate, 250 x 280 mm, 10 pack
PVDF IM, Cellulose nitrate, 70 x 84 mm, 10 pack
PVDF SEQ, Cellulose nitrate, 200 x 200 mm, 10 pack
FF60, 25 mm x 50 m OR
L-cysteine; part of 'Thiol Coupling Kit'
Luminol/Enhancers; part of 'ECL Prime'
NCRI FTA Elute Kit
NHS; part of 'Amine Coupling Kit'
NHS; part of 'Amine Coupling Kit, type 2'
NHS; part of 'Thiol Coupling Kit'
Ni Sepharose 6FF, XK 26/40, 28-30 cm
PhastGel IEF - 3-9
PhastGel IEF - 4-6.5
PhastGel IEF - 5-8
PVDF SEQ, Cellulose nitrate, 70 x 84 mm, 10 pack
NHS Mag Sepharose, 4 x 5 ml
Oligosynt 2'-OMe RNA A 30, 10 x 30 umole
Oligosynt 2'-OMe RNA C 30, 10 x 30 umole
Oligosynt 2'-OMe RNA G 30, 10 x 30 umole
Oligosynt 2'-OMe RNA U 30, 10 x 30 umole
Oligosynt 3'-C6 thiol 15, 10 x 15 umole
Oligosynt T 40s 120, 2 x 120 umole
Oligosynt T 40s 15, 10 x 15 umole
Oligosynt T 40s 30, 5 x 30 umole
PhastGel Homogenous - 12.5
PhastGel Homogenous - 20
PhastGel Homogenous - 7.5
HiTrap Sephacryl S-300 HR, 5 ml, 10 x 5 ml
NHS HP SpinTrap
MacroCap SP XK 50/30, 19-20 cm
ME25, 0.45 um 47 mm, 100 pack
ME25, 0.45 um 50 mm, 100 pack
ME25/41, 0.45um 50 mm, 100 pack W/O IN
ME27, 0.8 um 47 mm, 100 pack
PRIMA85, 27 x 300 mm, 25 pack
Stray Light Test Liquid; part of 'UV Test Kit, 280 nm, 10 mm cell'
Thermo Sequenase Enzyme, 10 000 Units x 50
Thermo Sequenase Enzyme, 1792 Units x 50
Silver Nitrate, 2.5%; part of 'Silver Staining Kit, Protein'
Sodium Acetate; part of 'Silver Staining Kit, Protein'
Sodium thiosulphate 5%; part of 'Silver Staining Kit, Protein'
SW1353 human GR
PRIMA85, 17 mm x 50 m
Protein A Mag Sepharose Xtra, 2 x 1 ml
Protein A Mag Sepharose Xtra, 5 x 1 ml
Protein G Mag Sepharose Xtra, 2 x 1 ml
Protein G Mag Sepharose Xtra, 5 x 1 ml
Sephacryl S-200 HR, XK 50/60, 50-55 cm
Sephadex G-25 Fine, XK 50/30
Sephadex G-25 Superfine, ST 7.8/300
Sodium hydroxide; part of 'Regeneration Scouting Kit'
Phenyl Sepharose HP PC 1.6/5
Sephacryl S-500 High Resolution, 150 ml
Sodium azide, 500 g
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