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Material Safety Sheets Bio-Rad
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A.L. Agar Lysteria acc. to Ottaviani & Agosti.
AmpliClear TM.
ANA Controls Set, Positive.
Anaer broth.
Antiserum Echerichia coli NONAVALENT.
Antiserum Echerichia coli TRIVALENT I.
Antiserum Echerichia Coli TRIVALENT II.
Antiserum Echerichia coli TRIVALENT III.
Antiserum Escherichia coli MONOVALENT O111.
Antiserum Escherichia coli MONOVALENT O114.
Antiserum Escherichia coli MONOVALENT O119.
Antiserum Escherichia coli MONOVALENT O124.
Antiserum Escherichia coli MONOVALENT O125.
Antiserum Escherichia coli MONOVALENT O126.
Antiserum Escherichia coli MONOVALENT O127.
Antiserum Escherichia coli MONOVALENT O128.
Antiserum Escherichia coli MONOVALENT O142.
Antiserum Escherichia coli MONOVALENT O26.
Antiserum Escherichia coli MONOVALENT O55.
Antiserum Escherichia coli MONOVALENT O86.
Antiserum Escherichia coli TRIVALENT IV.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P1.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P10.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P11.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P12.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P13.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P14.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P15.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P16.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P2.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P3.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P4.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P5.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P6.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P7.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P8.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa P9.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa PMA.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa PMC.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa PME.
Antiserum Pseudomonas aeruginosa PMF.
Antiserum S. dysenteriae Polyvalent A1 + A2.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:2.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:5.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:6.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:7.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:A.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:B.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:C.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:D.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:G,M.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:H.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:i.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:K.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:M.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:P.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:R.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:V.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:W.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:X.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:Y.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:Z.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:Z10.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT H:Z15.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT O:1,2.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT O:1,3,19.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT O:11.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT O:13,22,23.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT O:15.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT O:3,10,15.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT O:4,5.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT HMB.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT OMB.
Antiserum Salmonella SG1 (a + b + c + z10).
Antiserum Shigella boydii POLYVALENT C1+C2+C3.
Antiserum Vibrio cholerae O1 POLYVALENT.
Assayed VIROTROL II - B.
Baird Parker Medium.
BCP Lactose Agar.
BCP solution alccolique 1.6%.
Bile Esculine Azide Agar (dehydrated).
Brain Heart Agar (deshydrated).
Brain Heart Infusion Broth (deshydrated).
Brain Heart Infusion Broth.
Brilliant Green (Kristensen) Agar dehydrated.
Buffered Dextrose Broth.
D.N.A. Toluidine Blue Agar.
DSM Tubes (Special Microplate Diluent).
EDS Tubes (Distilled Water for Microplates).
Eosine Methylene Blue Agar (E.M.B.).
Fraser 1 Broth.
Grinding Tubes.
Hypertonic Broth (6.5% NaCl).
King B Medium.
King B.
Lactose Sulfite Broth.
Leptospira Broth.
Liquichek Anti-SS-B Control, Positive.
Liquichek Blood Gas Control.
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus CO-Oximeter Control.
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus E Control.
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus EGL Control.
Liquichek?Diabetes Control.
Liquichek?Microalbumin Control.
Liquichek?Whole Blood Volatiles Control.
Lyphochek Endocrine Control, Bilevel.
Lyphochek Hemoglobin A
Lyphochek Urine Bone Markers Control.
Lyphochek Whole Blood Control.
Lyphochek Whole Blood Metals Control.
Lyphochek Hemoglobin A1c Linearity Set.
Mossel (Mannitol Egg Yolk Polymixin) Base.
Muller Kauffmann Tetrathionate bouillon.
Nutritif bouillon 1.3%.
Oxford Agar Base.
PALCAM Agar Base.
Pneumococcus bouillon.
R1 - Monoclonal Antibody Adenovirus.
R1 - Monoclonal Antibody Para-Influenza 1+2.
R1 - Monoclononal Antibody Para-Influenza 3.
R1 - Rabbit Plasma (freeze dried).
R1a - Monoclonal Antibody anti-Influenza A.
R1b - Monoclonal Antibody anti-Influenza B.
R2 - Phosphate buffer.
R3 - Monoclonal Ab anti CMV (clone 95/12).
R4b - Controle positif (Humain) 4 EU/mL.
R7b - Diluant du conjugue.
RAPID'L. mono Agar Base.
Reagent 3 - Resolving Buffer.
Reagent B - Clarifying Solution.
Reagent C - Resolving Buffer.
Rosenow cysteine bouillon.
Sabouraud + Chloramphenicol +Gentamicin petri.
Sabouraud + Chloramphenicol petri.
Sabouraud + Cloramphenicol + Actidione petri.
Sabouraud + CMP + Genta. + Actidione gelose.
Sabouraud + CMP+ Gentamicin + Actidione petri.
Sabouraud gelose.
Schaedler bouillon.
Selenite Cystine Broth (dehydrated).
Selenite Cystine Broth.
Slanetz & Bartley Agar - Base Medium, 6 x 100.
Slanetz & Bartley Agar, 10 x 55 mm.
Slanetz and Bartley Medium.
Sodium Biselenite (dehydrated).
Staphylocoagulase broth.
T.B.X. Agar (dehydrated).
T.B.X. Agar.
T.T.C. + Tergitol Agar Base.
TBS - Milieu.
Tergitol 7 & T.T.C. Agar (Base).
TGY Bouillon.
Thioglycollate Resazurin broth U.S.P..
0.05% T.T.C..
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT HMC.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT OMC.
Assayed VIROTROL I - C.
Casitone milieu.
Chapman-Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA).
Chapman-Mannitol Salt Agar.
CN Agar (Selective for P. aeruginosa).
Coletsos + Ossein.
Coletsos Medium.
CryptoTrol TM.
Drigalski Lactose Agar.
Esculin Agar.
Glycocolle 20%.
GVPC Agar.
Hektoen Enteric Agar (deshydrated).
Hektoen Enteric Agar.
Kovacs Reagent.
Liquichek ANA Control, Centromere Pattern.
Liquichek ANA Control, Homogeneous Pattern.
Liquichek ANA Control, Mitotic Spindle.
Liquichek ANA Control, Nucleolar Pattern.
Liquichek ANA Control, Speckled Pattern.
Liquichek Anti-Mitochondrial Control.
Liquichek Anti-nDNA Control, Positive.
Liquichek Anti-RNP Control, Positive.
Liquichek Anti-Scl-70 Control, Positive.
Liquichek Anti-Sm Control, Positive.
Liquichek Anti-Smooth Muscle Control.
Liquichek Anti-SS-A Control, Positive.
Liquichek Autoimmune Negative Control.
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control.
Liquichek Hematology-16T Control.
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control, Level 1.
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control, Level 2.
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control, Level 3.
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control.
Liquichek Low hCG Control.
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (A).
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control.
Liquichek Sedimentation Rate Control.
Liquichek ToRCH Plus IgM Control, Negative.
Liquichek ToRCH Plus IgM Control, Positive.
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control.
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Controls.
Liquichek?Cardiac Markers Plus LT Control.
Liquichek?D-dimer Control.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT HMD.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT OMD.
Antiserum Salmonella SG2 (d + i + e,h).
Antiserum Shigella disenteriae 1 MONOVALENT.
Assayed VIROTROL I - E.
Assayed VIROTROL I - F.
Assayed VIROTROL II - A.
Dipslide : D.G.U..
DNAse Test Agar.
Eau Distillee Sterile.
Eau peptonnee sans Indole.
HEKTOEN - Ready to use medium (Agar).
King A Medium.
Liquichek?Elevated CRP Control.
Liquichek?Pediatric Control.
Liquichek?Rheumatoid Factor Control.
Lyphochek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring.
Lyphochek Drug Free Serum.
Lyphochek Elevated Immunosuppressant Control.
M.R.S. Agar (dehydrated).
Meat Liver Dextrose.
Microplates Diluent.
Nutritive Agar (dehydrated).
Oxford Supplement.
P.C.A. Agar (Plate Count Agar) dehydrated.
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa gelose.
R2 - Diluent.
R2 - Mounting Medium (3 mL).
0.2% Tergitol 7.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT O:6,14,24.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT OMF.
Antiserum Shigella flexneri POLYVALENT.
Lyphochek Fertility Control, Level 1.
Lyphochek Fertility Control, Level 2.
Lyphochek Fertility Control, Level 3.
Lyphochek Fertility Control.
M.E.V.A.G. for Staphylococcus.
R3 - Controle negatif Platelia leukosis.
R4 - Controle positif valeur seuil P.leukosis.
R4 - Positive Control (freeze dried).
RAPID'E. Coli 2 Supplement (Freeze dried).
Reactif de Kovacs, Vrac.
Reagent 2 - Clarifying Solution.
Supplement VCF 250.
TSC (Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine) Agar Base.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT H:G.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT OMG.
Antiserum Salmonella SG3.
Antiserum Salmonella SG4 (r + z).
Antiserum Salmonella SG5 (e,n,x + e,n,z15).
Antiserum Salmonella SG6 (1,2 + 1,5,7).
Antiserum Shigella sonnei POLYVALENT.
Eau Physiologique Sterile 0.85%.
Kligler-Hajna (Kligler Iron Agar).
Latex Reagent - Serogroup 1.
Latex Reagent - Serogroup 2-15.
Liquichek?Hematology Control (A-I).
Liquichek?Hematology Control (S).
Liquichek?Hematology Control (X).
Liquichek?Hematology-16 LV Control.
Liquichek?Immunology Control.
Liquichek?Qualitative Urine Toxicology -.
Liquichek?Qualitative Urine Toxicology.
Liquichek?ToRCH Plus Control, Negative.
Liquichek?ToRCH Plus IgM Control, MiniPak.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT H:1.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT H:E.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT H:L.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT H:Z4.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT HM III.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT HMA.
R1 - Conjugate.
R3 - Concentrated Conjugate (10x).
R5 - Concentrated Conjugate (10 x).
R7 - Concentrated Conjugate (10x).
R7 - Conjugate (10x).
R7a - Conjugue.
Trypto Caseine Soja bouillon.
Liquichek?Ethanol/Ammonia Control.
Liquichek?Opiate Control.
Liquichek?Serum Volatiles Control.
Liquichek?Specialty Immunoassay Control.
Liquichek?ToRCH Plus Control, Positive.
Liquichek?Tumor Marker Control.
Liquichek?Urinalysis Control, Level 1.
Liquichek?Urinalysis Control, Level 2.
Liquichek?Urinalysis Control.
Liquichek?Urine Chemistry Control.
Liquichek?Urine Toxicology Control, Level.
Liquichek?Urine Toxicology Control, S2E.
Liquichek?Urine Toxicology Control.
Liquichek?Urine Toxicology Controls.
Liquichek?Urine Toxicology Negative Control.
Lyphochek Anemia Control.
Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 1.
Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 2.
Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 3.
Lyphochek Hemostasis Control.
Lyphochek Hypertension Markers Control.
Lyphochek Quantitative Urine Control.
Lyphochek Tumor Marker Control.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT O:6,7,8.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT O:7.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT O:8.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT O:9.
Antiserum Salmonella MONOVALENT Vi.
Antiserum Salmonella OMNIVALENT Omni-O.
Antiserum Salmonella POLYVALENT OME.
R1 - Microplaque.
Semi-synthetique milieu.
T.S.C. without Cycloserin.
Todd Hewitt Bouillon.
RAPID' L. mono, 100 x 90 mm.
X.L.D. (Xylose Lysine Desoxycholate) Broth.
X.L.D. Agar (dehydrated).
X.L.T.4 (Xylose Lysine Tergitol 4) Agar.
R4 - Positive Control (lyophilized).
Thioglycollate + Resazurin.
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